The winners of the International Fringe Encore Series were both offered a four to six-week run during SoHo Playhouse’s 2024 season.

Brendan Hunt: The Movement You Need ran from February 7th-10th, 2024.

WOUNDED is slated to run from January 29th-February 8th, 2025.

Stay tuned for an upcoming run of Brendan Hunt!

Brendan Hunt: The Movement You Need

Written by Brendan Hunt

Discovered at the Hollywood Fringe

Join Brendan Hunt as he presents a new solo show that revolutionizes the genre via the unprecedented step of exploring the writer’s relationship with their dead mother. In this case, Brendan and his mother had a complicated relationship, that had one uncomplicated connection point: the music of The Beatles.

Brendan will tackle the following inherent challenges this work presents:

- Finding a way to discuss Beatles songs without actually playing Beatles songs, which would of course incur the bloodthirsty wrath of the Beatles’ heavily armed legal team.

- Trying to make the show satisfying for people who are sick and tired of the fucking Beatles.

- Doing a “I miss my dead mom” solo show that doesn’t suck.

A decent time is guaranteed for all.

WOUNDED will run Jan 20th-Feb 8th, 2025.


Written by Jiggs Burguess | Directed by Del Shores

Discovered at the Hollywood Fringe

Starring Craig Taggart and Shaw Jones, WOUNDED features a repressed nobody who thinks of himself as somebody. An addict. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf played out between hummingbirds. And a pussy eating dog. This is Wounded. Carrol could’ve been somebody, after all his book, The Crimson Valise, was made into a movie. Yet somehow Carrol’s unhealed past, and an aging mother, got in the way. On the other hand, Carrol’s classmate, Robert, was smart and driven. Went to one of the best private universities in the country on scholarship. But his damage led him down the path of addiction and eventually prison.

In this darkest of comedies, the bleak paths our lives can lead us down are on full display.

Winner of the Pick of the Hollywood Fringe, Best of Broadwater Theatre, and Hollywood Encore Producers' Awards

***Warning: Recommended for adult audiences. Contains language of a sexual and violent nature.***

"The acting was powerful, fusing cunning insights and vulnerability to lull the audience into a sense that they knew these people only to explode that comfort with shocking truths and bitter nostalgia. It was a great piece of theater." - Jocelyn Wright, Certified Hollywood Fringe Reviewer

"This was one of the most profound and poignant pieces of art I’ve seen in Los Angeles and frankly, in my life." -Taylor Moore, Certified Hollywood Fringe Reviewer